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Separation of zoogeo obalsti to formalize signs

Community and ForumDiscussions on the website functionalitySeparation of zoogeo obalsti to formalize signs

Peter Khramov, 21.01.2014 16:10

The question arose. And if we have adequate separation of the region is on the site or you may want to update it until naformalizovali wasted on outdated scheme. So now we have a choice from a list:
Palaearctic, Nearctic, Neotropical, Ethiopian, Indo-Malayan, Australian region.Perhaps, somewhere something should be divided, or vice versa, or even do it differently. For example, highlight Madagascar. Write who believes.Again, the point is that the form will bear Kaji area where he lives, this info can be convenient to look at the description page of the form, as well as selected species on this basis in the catalog (partially working now).


21.01.2014 17:51, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Why single out the African island of Madagascar in a separate zoogeographic region. Yes, it was full of endemic species, and he goeth Afrotropical region, however. Where did come from the Ethiopian region in the whole of Africa? Smarter contrary to simplify, not complicate unnecessarily The English for status. in 1992. A total of 5 regions, and not 6 like on this website.That image (though it is a photo, not scans, the scanner is not working). It is quite adequate separation in my mind:
Palaearctic region

Afrotropical region (which actually includes the island of Madagascar).

Indo-Australian region

Nearctic region

And Neotropical region

And I repeat: do not islands that make up some of the continent to allocate in separate areas (eg Madagascar): http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Мадагаскар_(остров)

21.01.2014 18:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Here at all seven (Antarctica can be excluded: insects are not compatible with it in general): http://big-archive.ru/geography/basis_of_common_geography/79.php the remaining six on the website. Let's leave it at that. Why split hairs and invent some kind of gag? There are many other, more relevant to current affairs :)

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